RESIDENTS from across the WestCONnex route will come together on Sunday 6 December for UPROOTED, a family picnic and tree-wrapping event to highlight the community destruction the $16.8 billion toll road would cause.
UPROOTED is being organised by WestCONnex Action Group (WAG), and will involve three simultaneous events in Haberfield, St Peters and Kingsgrove.
“People are furious that the Baird Government wants to destroy so much of our precious green space, heritage, homes and communities for the WestCONnex toll road,” said WAG spokesperson Sharon Laura.
“Scores of forcibly acquired heritage homes and buildings are to be destroyed for WestCONnex. This would devastate our communities and irreparably damage the fabric of the Haberfield Conservation Area.
“Our parks, trees and gardens provide a vital haven for native birds and local wildlife, including threatened species. Yet they’ll all be destroyed if the WestCONnex toll road goes ahead.
“Reg Coady Reserve, where our local UPROOTED event will be held, is also slated for WestCONnex destruction. This precious green space now gives pedestrians and cyclists a safe link between Haberfield and Five Dock. It’s used by schoolchildren walking to Dobroyd Primary, families using Livi’s Playground, sporting teams at Timbrell Park, dog and recreational walkers, and those connecting with the Bay Walk.
“But if WestCONnex is built, its large established trees will be chopped down to make way for a 24/7 construction site. Part of it will be permanently destroyed to widen the City West Link, which will spew thousands of extra cars onto our local roads.
“And for what? Even the Baird Government’s own figures show WestCONnex will make congestion on many of our local streets worse, not better, because people in western Sydney won’t pay its huge tolls to drive straight into an inner-city traffic jam.
“This event will give our community a chance to stand with affected residents across Sydney to tell Premier Baird we won’t be UPROOTED for his secretive and destructive WestCONnex toll road.
“We’ll be wrapping blue ribbons in WestCONnex’s corporate colours around trees and heritage homes to symbolise our protection, and raise awareness of what would be lost if this $16.8 billion toll road is built.
“We can stop this disgusting waste of taxpayer funds and destruction. And we encourage everyone to join us at UPROOTED on Sunday 6 December to stand up for our local environment and community.”
Media contacts: Sharon Laura 0417 022 553, Pauline Lockie 0414 470 106
Event URL: