RESIDENTS will hold a silent vigil in St Peters at 9:30am today as 62-year-old Shelley Jensen is forced from her home for WestCONnex.
Read moreTalking WestCONnex, Mike Baird and compulsory acquisitions on Radio Skid Row
WestCONnex Action Group's Pauline Lockie had a quick chat with Col Hesse on Radio SkidRow on Thursday 25 August about WestCONnex compulsory acquisitions, Mike Baird's burial of the Russell review into the system, and why there should be an inquiry.
Read moreTalking WestCONnex and Mike Baird ignoring compulsory acquisition reforms
WestCONnex Action Group's Pauline Lockie had a quick chat with Clinton Maynard on 2UE on Wednesday 24 August about WestCONnex compulsory acquisitions, Mike Baird's burial of the Russell review into the system, and why there should be an inquiry.
Read moreSome notes for people affected by WestCONnex acquisitions
We’ve had many shocked and distressed people approach us for information after learning that their homes or businesses are to be acquired for WestCONnex. While we can’t offer legal advice on this, we can offer some information that may help based on what other residents have experienced.
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