LISTEN: Pauline Lockie on WestCONnex health, safety and construction breaches
On 22 March 2017, WestCONnex Action Group's Pauline Lockie spoke to Amie Bransgrove on RadioActive 2RRR about WestCONnex's shocking safety breaches and construction errors - including botched asbestos removal, road accidents involving defective trucks, cracking houses, roofing flying off part-demolished houses, and more. Have a listen.
Read moreLeichhardt residents left "disappointed" by WestCONnex meeting
Residents' group Leichhardt Against WestCONnex (LAW) recently met with the Sydney Motorway Corporation (SMC) on 17 November 2016 about plans to create a mid-tunnelling construction site for the WestCONnex M4-M5 Link at 7 Darley Rd, Leichhardt. Here's the report they wrote up on the meeting, along with notes about what you can do to help.
Read more9.0 Objection to the impact of noise and vibration caused by WestConnex, and failure of the EIS to properly analyse these impacts
WAG objects to the both the long and short-term impact that increases in noise and vibration will have on the lives of the hundreds of thousands of people who currently live, work or study in or near the route of the planned WestConnex, including the New M5. We also object to the poor analysis of these impacts in the New M5 EIS.
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