FORGET losing your shirt at the Melbourne Cup today, St Peters residents are about to lose the roof over their heads as WestCONnex compulsory acquisition notices are issued.
Inner West residents of Camperdown, St Peters, Sydenham and Tempe have expressed outrage as compulsory acquisition packs were hastily hand-delivered to coincide with media conferences held by the Prime Minister and NSW Premier.
“This is policy on the run, an unplanned disaster in the in making to waste $14 billion of taxpayers money to create road congestion, high tolls, and massive pollution for an inner city suburbs,” said Janet Dandy-Ward of WestCONnex Action Group.
“We’re upset, we’re shocked, we got no information from Westconnex until the prime minister and premier are suddenly here saying they plan to dump motorway traffic and build smoke stacks in our high density neighbourhood.
“Both the prime minister and premier know the value of fresh air since they live at the beach, but they think it’s okay to put a smoke stack on the same street as our primary school.
“This area already carries a heavy burden for Sydney’s infrastructure demands with planes overhead every 5 minutes. The western Sydney electorates being pork barrelled with this sham project will be hit with massive tolls and no parking when they get here.”
The poliies' travelling circus caught WestCONnex by surprise as homeowners who were previously told their houses were safe were today issued with compulsory acquisition.
Brown St resident Pauline Lockie recently moved to St Peters and was assured by WestCONnex that it was safe to move in to the area.
“WestCONnex told us we wouldn’t have a problem if we moved here, a search by our solicitor showed no plans for the area, and now we’re in a fight to save our family’s newly purchased home,” said Ms Lockie.