Berejiklian Government approves Stage 3 of WestCONnex without publicly informing the residents of NSW.
Ten days ago (April 17, 2018), the Minister for Planning, signed off on Stage 3 of the WestCONnex project without releasing the information to the public, the media or community groups.
Today - activists discovered the approval buried on a documents website.*
"The community is being treated with the utmost contempt." Rhea Liebmann Spokesperson for the WestCONnex Action Group, said.
This continues Gladys Berejiklian's lack of transparency, dodgy dealings and real lack of concern despite immense public opposition projects, like the Stadiums and especially WestCONnex.
Paul Jeffery Co-convener for No WestCONnex: Public Transport (NoW PT) said: “This government led by Gladys Berejiklian has shown again it cannot be trusted with the health and welfare of its citizens. Building a private tollway that is not supported by a single independent expert will kill off spending on public transport for decades and saddle millions of people with unreasonable tolls. Health concerns for residents in areas where surface traffic will dramatically increase have been brushed aside.”
The environmental damage that Stage 3 will have to the Sydney region will be immense and the community is outraged. NSW Planning has approved the Rozelle Interchange without even a design. If the government follows through on its ludicrous plan, Rozelle will be destroyed as a suburb and communities at St Peters and Haberfield would be exposed to seven years of terrible construction impacts.”
STOP THE WESTCONNEX SCAM - Call for a Parliamentary Inquiry
Paul Jeffery - No WestCONnex: Public Transport 0410636663
Rhea Liebmann - WestCONnex Action Group 0410517343