WESTCONNEX Action Group (WAG) has called for an immediate parliamentary inquiry after internal government documents reveal the extent of the Baird Government’s traffic modelling lies.
Fairfax Media today reported that internal government documents show WestCONnex traffic modelling will worsen congestion on King St, Botany Road, O'Riordan Street, Cleveland Street and Southern Cross Drive.
This contradicts claims made by the Baird and Abbott Government that the WestCONnex Tollroad will divert traffic off local roads.
“It's clear that the public has been lied to by our Governments and the WestCONnex Delivery Authority,” said WAG spokesperson Janet Dandy-Ward.
“Their claims about the benefits of WestCONnex to ease traffic congestion are flawed and independent experts and community groups have been saying so for months.
“These internal government reports show that the WestCONnex Delivery Authority has been selectively choosing traffic modelling figures to deceive the public.
“The truth is that iconic streets like King Street will be destroyed, people thrown out of houses and the health of whole neighbourhoods put at risk for a project that will spend billions of dollars on an illusion - a 'con job'.
“WestCONnex must be stopped from forging ahead with signed contracts before there has been an EIS for the M4E or duplicate M5.
“This process must halt now until a full business case is revealed and independent EIS and health studies are completed.
“The public is not being served by this project so questions remain who is exactly being served by WestCONnex contracts and what are they getting for it.
“A parliamentary inquiry will shed some light on this WestCONnex thought bubble that has been allowed to wreak havoc on communities and force people from their homes,” said Ms Dandy-Ward.
Media contact: Garth Montgomery 0408 864 851
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