Saturday: A beautiful day for a bit of direct action

You may have seen the story in the Sydney Morning Herald last week about WestCONnex, and the dangerous and possibly illegal work it’s doing to remove asbestos from the planned St Peters Interchange site ahead of the EIS.


As mentioned in the story, we’ve engaged lawyers from the Environmental Defenders’ Office (EDO) to investigate this on our behalf. But while we wait for legal advice, WestCONnex is speeding up its removal work – which is why we’re taking action tomorrow to keep up the pressure. 

So we’ll be picketing the site tomorrow to keep a close eye on WestCONnex – and we’d love for you to join us.

When: Saturday 3 October, 10am – 1pm

Where: Alexandria Landfill, 10-16 Albert St, St Peters 2044 (just off Campbell Rd, opposite the corner of Sydney Park)

Wear: Your Stop WestCONnex t-shirts

Bring: Signs


We know this kind of pressure works. Simply being present at the gates has been enough to delay or slow down works. And every safety breach we witness helps us build the case to shut down this work entirely.

If you can make it, it would be great if you could let us know.

Thank you for everything you’re doing to stop this destructive tollway. Together we can stop WestCONnex!


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